Last Monday I had the opportunity to photograph a friend for her newly rebranded website {coming soon!}. Mary Clark is the owner of Psalm 27 Creative and if I had to pick someone that is a ‘jack of all trades,’ it would be her. She takes photos, makes jewelry, paints, bakes, and creates art of all kinds. She and her husband moved to Tennessee not too long ago and I am excited to see the awesome things she will create as her business takes off.
I met Mary Clark in college on a FCA trip to New Orleans. Are y’all ready for a blast from the past? Almost 8 years ago exactly we got to serve at a community center in a combined Art-Construction service group. (Can you guess which part of the group we were in? Hint: we did not pick up any shovels or pour any concrete.) ๐

{Goodness. Remember how when you were 19 and thought you were a grown up and then suddenly you are almost 28 looking at a photo of your 19-year old self and realize you looked like you were 12 (and still probably do)? Yeah….. And no I’m not talking about Mary Clark.} Anyways, I digress.
Mary Clark and I headed to Franklin to do a quick photo shoot…we lucked out with a beautiful day, and other than a short run-in with the park ranger (woops!) we had a lot of fun! Enjoy-

Why yes…her eyes really are that color. Its okay, I’m jealous too.

Beautiful day, beautiful friend. Happy Monday!